Java Random Test Suite
- Java Randomness Test Suite is a gui application to run randomness tests on
random stream resource (file or algorithm).
- Application can be run as GUI Java Application or command line mode.
- Includes general statistical tests, NIST and DIEHARD tests.
- Design is expandable and enable the user to add tests, input/output resources
and algorithms. The adapters - tests, random streams, algorithms - are very
simple interfaces, to be implemented by the user to enhance the randomness test
- The suite can run on any platform.
- ANT is used (optionally) to prepare distribution.
- JUnit is planned to verify modifications.
- Developed using Eclipse from www.eclipse.org.
- Use Open Source Softrware License.
- The latest version of JRandTest is available
at http://download.sourceforge.net/jrandtest/.
Current version is 0.4
Check the Chenage Log and the Javadoc.