Java Randomness Test Suite

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  1. Who is responsible for this FAQ?
  2. How can I contribute to this FAQ?
  3. What is JRandTest?
  4. Where is the JRandTest home page?
  5. How is JRandTest licensed?
  6. Where do I download JRandTest?
  7. How do I install JRandTest?
  8. How do I uninstall JRandTest?
  9. How do I run JRandTest?
  10. How do I submit bugs, patches, or feature requests?
  11. How do I ask questions?
  12. How do I report a bug?
  13. How do I make feature requests?
  14. How do I install the Eclipse IDE?
  1. Who is responsible for this FAQ? this FAQ is maintained by Zur Aougav.
  2. How can I contribute to this FAQ? Your contributions to this FAQ are greatly appreciated! The JRandTest community thanks you in advance.

    To contribute to this FAQ, simply write a JRandTest-related question and answer, then send the unformatted text to Zur Aougav. Corrections to this FAQ are always appreciated, as well.

    No reasonable contribution will be denied. Your name will always appear along with any contribution you make.

  3. What is JRandTest? JRandTest is an open source Java Randomness Testing application.

  4. Where is the JRandTest home page? The official JRandTest home page is
  5. How is JRandTest licensed? JRandTest is Open Source Software and hosted on SourceForge.
  6. Where do I download JRandTest? The latest version of JRandTest is available at
  7. How do I install JRandTest?
    1. Install java.
    2. Download the latest version of JRandTest, referred to below as jrandtest.ZIP.
    3. Unzip the jrandtest.ZIP distribution file to a directory, referred to below as %JRANDTEST_HOME%.

      Now you have in %JRANDTEST_HOME% 3 directories: jrandtest\bin, jrandtest\src, jrandtest\javadoc.

    4. To run the command line version, type (At %JRANDTEST_HOME%\jrandtest): java -cp bin com.fasteasytrade.JRandTest.Tests.CmdLine
    5. To run the GUI version, type (At %JRANDTEST_HOME%\jrandtest): java -cp bin com.fasteasytrade.JRandTest.GUI.Gui
    6. (optional) Add JRandTest to classpath (Windows) set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%JRANDTEST_HOME%\jrandtest\bin
    7. (optional) Add JRandTest to classpath (Unix (bash)) export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:%JRANDTEST_HOME%/jrandtest/bin

  8. How do I uninstall JRandTest? Delete the directory structure where you unzipped the JRandTest distribution

    Remove jrandtest/bin from the classpath

    Windows note: JRandTest does not modify the registry so simply removing all the files will fully uninstall it.

  9. How do I run JRandTest? Execute run.bat or in jrandtest-x.y directory to run Gui jrandtest application.

    Execute runCmdLine.bat or in jrandtest-x.y directory to run command line jrandtest application.

    Run Gui class:

    java -cp bin com.fasteasytrade.JRandTest.GUI.Gui

    Run CmdLine class:

    java -cp bin com.fasteasytrade.JRandTest.Tests.CmdLine

  10. How do I submit bugs, patches, or feature requests? JRandTest celebrates programmers testing their own software. In this spirit, bugs, patches, and feature requests that include JRandTest tests have a better chance of being addressed than those without.

    JRandTest is forged on SourceForge. Please use the tools provided by SourceForge for your submissions.

  11. How do I ask questions? Questions that are not answered in the FAQ or in the manuals should be posted to the forums.

    Please stick to technical issues on the forums. Keep in mind that these forums are public, so do not include any confidental information in your questions! You should also read "How to ask questions the smart way" by Eric Raymond before participating in the forums.

  12. How do I report a bug? Bug reports can be made through SourceForge Bug Tracking System.

    You should first search SourceForge Bug Tracking System to make sure that nobody has already made a similar report.

  13. How do I make feature requests? Feature requests can be made through SourceForge RFE.

    Just like with bug reports, you should first search RFE to make sure that nobody has already made a similar request. If the feature request already exists simply annotate it with your comments.

    When entering feature requests, please attempt to be very specific about the feature you would like, its use cases, and possible pitfalls that the implementor should avoid.

  14. How do I install the Eclipse IDE? We use Eclipse as our standard IDE.

    1. Download Eclipse from a mirror site.
    2. Extract it into the directory you intend to run it from.
    3. Run and shutdown Eclipse one time so that it can initialize.
    4. Create a root workspace directory where you intend to manage your projects and checkout files from CVS into.
    5. Change its Windows shortcut to launch Eclipse using this directory by include a parameter on the end of it's target: -data [CVS work directory]. I.E.: D:\usr\local\eclipse\eclipse.exe -data d:\workspace.
    6. Run Eclipse and change to the Resource Perspective.
    7. Change to the CVS Repository Perspective.
    8. Add a new CVS Repository location: If you are a JRandTest team member:, Repository Path=/cvsroot/jrandtest, User=Your sourceforge user name, Password=Your Sourceforge password, Connection Type=extssh and leave everything else as is. It will connect on saving. If not right click and choose Refresh View. If you are not a JRandTest team member:, Repository Path=/cvsroot/jrandtest, User=anonymous, Password=leave blank, Connection Type=pserver and leave everything else as is. It will connect on saving. If not right click and choose Refresh View.
    9. Open the HEAD node. Choose the jrandtest folder. Right click and choose Check Out As...
    10. Choose "Check out as project in the workspace" and take the default name of "jrandtest". Click the Finish button.
    11. Change to the Java Perspective. You should have the jrandtest project navigatable in the Package Explorer and be able to browse the src, apps, and lib trees.
    12. As you edit Java classes under src, Eclipse will recompile your changes instantly and flag errors for you. It will also notify you of bad Java practices such as unncessary imports or refering to static members in a non-static fashion.

Copyright © 2005 Zur Aougav
All rights reserved
Last modified: Wed Apr 20 21:36:38 2005