Java Randomness Test Suite

JRandTest at SourceForge

Uses of Interface

Packages that use RandomStream

Uses of RandomStream in com.fasteasytrade.JRandTest.Algo

Classes in com.fasteasytrade.JRandTest.Algo that implement RandomStream
 class AES
          Simple java AES algorithm as a random stream.
 class ARC4
          Alleged RC4 algorithm as a random stream
 class BBS
          BBS from NIST test package as a random stream Use BBSPrng class.
 class BlowFish
          Stream of random bytes from BFcipher class
 class CubicResidue
          CubicResidue Prng algorithm from NIST test package Use CubicResiduePrng class.
 class DES
          Simple java DES algorithm as a random stream.
 class JavaRandom
          Simple java random as a random stream
 class JavaSecuredRandom
          Simple java secured random as a random stream
 class Lcg1
          Simple LCG from NIST test package as a random stream
 class MicaliSchnorr
          Micali-Schnorr algorithm as a random stream.
 class ModulusExponent
          ModulusExponent Prng algorithm from NIST test package Use ModulusExponentPrng class.
 class MT19937
          Stream of random bytes from MT19937Prng class
 class QuadraticResidue1
          QuadraidResidue Prng algorithm from NIST test package Use QuadraticResidue1Prng class.
 class QuadraticResidue2
          QuadraidResidue Prng algorithm from NIST test package Use QuadraticResidue2Prng class.
 class RSA
          RSA algorithm as a random stream.
 class SHA1Random
          SHA1 algorithm as a random stream based on SHA1 message digest class.
 class SkipjackRandom
          Skipjack algorithm as a random stream based on Skipjack encryption algorithm.
 class TripleDES
          Simple java TrippleDES algorithm as a random stream.
 class ZAC3Random
          ZAC3 algorithm as a random stream based on ZAC3 encryption algorithm.
 class ZAC5Random
          ZAC5 algorithm as a random stream based on ZAC5 encryption algorithm.

Uses of RandomStream in com.fasteasytrade.JRandTest.IO

Subinterfaces of RandomStream in com.fasteasytrade.JRandTest.IO
 interface AlgoRandomStream
          Interface to Algorithm as random stream

Classes in com.fasteasytrade.JRandTest.IO that implement RandomStream
 class FileAlgoRandomStream
 class FileRandomStream
          This class represents an encrypted or random source file.
 class HttpGetUrlRandomStream
          This class represents an encrypted or random source HTTP Url source.

Uses of RandomStream in com.fasteasytrade.JRandTest.Tests

Fields in com.fasteasytrade.JRandTest.Tests declared as RandomStream
(package private)  RandomStream

Methods in com.fasteasytrade.JRandTest.Tests with parameters of type RandomStream
 void Base.registerInput(RandomStream rs)
          register RandomStream interface.

Java Randomness Test Suite

JRandTest at SourceForge

JRandTest at SourceForge
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