Java Randomness Test Suite

JRandTest at SourceForge

Uses of Class

Packages that use Base

Uses of Base in com.fasteasytrade.JRandTest.Tests

Subclasses of Base in com.fasteasytrade.JRandTest.Tests
 class BinaryRankTestFor31x31Matrices
          BinaryRankTestFor31x31Matrices from DieHard
 class BinaryRankTestFor32x32Matrices
          BinaryRankTestFor32x32Matrices from DieHard *
 class BinaryRankTestFor6x8Matrices
          BinaryRankTestFor6x8Matrices from DieHard
 class BirthdaySpacings
          BirthdaySpacings from DieHard
 class Count16Bits
          Count16Bits class extends Base count 2 bytes. 16 bits.
 class Count1Bit
          Count1Bit class extends Base count each bit, the 0's and 2's
 class Count2Bits
          Count2Bits class extends Base count each bit, the 0's and 2's
 class Count3Bits
          Count3Bits class extends Base count 3 bits.
 class Count4Bits
          Count4Bits class extends Base count each 4 bit, half byte.
 class Count8Bits
          Count8Bits class extends Base count each byte, 8 bits each.
 class CountThe1s
          CountThe1s from DieHard
 class CountThe1sSpecificBytes
          CountThe1sSpecificBytes from DieHard
 class DNA
          DNA from DieHard
 class MinimumDistance
          MinimumDistance from DieHard
 class MonteCarlo
          MonteCarlo class extends Base Test Monte Carlo.
 class Overlapping20TuplesBitstream
          Overlapping20TuplesBitstream from DieHard THE OVERLAPPING 20-tuples TEST BITSTREAM, 20 BITS PER WORD, N words If n=2^22, should be 19205.3 missing 20-letter words, sigma 167.
 class OverlappingPairsSparseOccupancy
          OverlappingPairsSparseOccupancy (OPSO) from DieHard
 class OverlappingQuadruplesSparseOccupancy
          OverlappingQuadruplesSparseOccupancy (OQSO) from DieHard
 class Run
          Run from DieHard Run class extends Base
count the number of runs and compute the statistics
Algorithm AS 157 Appl.
 class Squeeze
          Squeeze from DieHard SQUEEZE TEST: How many iterations of k=k*uni()+1 are required to squeeze k down to 1, starting with k=2147483647=2^31-1.

Java Randomness Test Suite

JRandTest at SourceForge

JRandTest at SourceForge
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