Each algorithm can be tested with one of the tests
Each algorithm class, i.e. <classname>, is defined as:
com.fasteasytrade.JRandTest.IO.FileRandomStream [new window]
com.fasteasytrade.JRandTest.IO.FileAlgoRandomStream [new window]
Also, each class implements the interfaces:
AlgoRandomStream, RandomStream
Usually, algorithm class use a cipher algorithm as PRNG. Currently all the ciphers/prngs are defined as:
com.fasteasytrade.JRandTest.Algo.Cipher [new window]
List of Algorithms
- AES Simple java AES algorithm as a random stream.
- ARC4 Alleged RC4 algorithm as a random stream
- RC4Key Alleged RC4 implemented as RC4Key.
- BBS BBS encryption algorithm as a random stream Use BBSPrng class.
- BBSPrng BBS encryption algorithm. The following program implements and tests the Blum-Blum-Shub random bits generator.
- BlowFish Stream of random bytes from BFcipher class
- BFcipher BFcipher class - pure java implementation of Blowfish cipher Copyright (c) 1997 Andrew Tuman.
- CubicResidue CubicResidue Prng algorithm from NIST test package Use CubicResiduePrng class.
- CubicResiduePrng CubicResidue Prng algorithm from NIST test package Fix random p, prime, length 512 bits.
- DES Simple java DES algorithm as a random stream.
- JavaRandom Simple java random as a random stream
- JavaSecuredRandom Simple java secured random as a random stream
- Lcg1 Simple LCG from NIST test package as a random stream
- Lcg1Prng Simple LCG from NIST test package Seed to LCG is double Each cycle returns new double.
- MicaliSchnorr Micali-Schnorr algorithm as a random stream.
- MicaliSchnorrPrng Micali-Schnorr Prng algorithm.
- ModulusExponent ModulusExponent Prng algorithm from NIST test package Use ModulusExponentPrng class.
- ModulusExponentPrng ModulusExponent Prng algorithm from NIST test package Fix random p, prime, length 512 bits.
- MT19937 Stream of random bytes from MT class
- MT19937Prng class implements MT19937 prng.
- QuadraticResidue1 QuadraidResidue Prng algorithm from NIST test package Use QuadraticResidue1Prng class.
- QuadraticResidue1Prng QuadraidResidue1 Prng algorithm from NIST test package Fix random p, prime, length 512 bits.
- QuadraticResidue2 QuadraidResidue Prng algorithm from NIST test package Use QuadraticResidue2Prng class.
- QuadraticResidue2Prng QuadraidResidue2 Prng algorithm from NIST test package Fix random p, prime, length 512 bits.
- RSA RSA algorithm as a random stream.
- RSACrypt Java RSA algorithm implementation.
- SHA1Random SHA1 algorithm as a random stream based on SHA-1 Message Digest class.
- SHA1 SHA-1 Message Digest class.
- SkipjackRandom Skipjack algorithm as a random stream based on Skipjack encryption algorithm class.
- Skipjack Java Skipjack algorithm implementation.
- TripleDES Simple java TrippleDES algorithm as a random stream.
- ZAC3Random algorithm as a random stream based on ZAC3 encryption algorithm.
- ZAC3 encryption algorithm.
- ZAC5Random algorithm as a random stream based on ZAC5 encryption algorithm.
- ZAC5 encryption algorithm.
View Class Hierarchy [new window] page for all packages, plus a hierarchy for each package.