List of tests
BinaryRankTestFor31x31Matrices test
This is the Binary Rank Test for 31x31 matrices. The leftmost
31 bits of 31 random integers from the test sequence are used
to form a 31x31 binary matrix over the field {0,1}. The rank
is determined. That rank can be from 0 to 31, but ranks< 28
are rare, and their counts are pooled with those for rank 28.
Ranks are found for 40,000 such random matrices and a chisqu-
are test is performed on counts for ranks 31,30,28 and <=28.
BinaryRankTestFor32x32Matrices test
This is the Binary Rank Test for 32x32 matrices. A random 32x
32 binary matrix is formed, each row a 32-bit random integer.
The rank is determined. That rank can be from 0 to 32, ranks
less than 29 are rare, and their counts are pooled with those
for rank 29. Ranks are found for 40,000 such random matrices
and a chisquare test is performed on counts for ranks 32,31,
30 and <=29.
BinaryRankTestFor6x8Matrices test
This is the Binary Rank Test for 6x8 matrices. From each of
six random 32-bit integers from the generator under test, a
specified byte is chosen, and the resulting six bytes form a
6x8 binary matrix whose rank is determined. That rank can be
from 0 to 6, but ranks 0,1,2,3 are rare; their counts are
pooled with those for rank 4. Ranks are found for 100,000
random matrices, and a chi-square test is performed on
counts for ranks 6,5 and (0,...,4) (pooled together).
BirthdaySpacings test
This is the Birthday Spacings Test.
Choose m birthdays in a "year" of n days. List the spacings
between the birthdays. Let j be the number of values that
occur more than once in that list, then j is asymptotically
Poisson distributed with mean m^3/(4n). Experience shows n
must be quite large, say n>=2^18, for comparing the results
to the Poisson distribution with that mean. This test uses
n=2^24 and m=2^10, so that the underlying distribution for j
is taken to be Poisson with lambda=2^30/(2^26)=16. A sample
of 200 j's is taken, and a chi-square goodness of fit test
provides a p value. The first test uses bits 1-24 (counting
from the left) from integers in the specified file. Then the
file is closed and reopened, then bits 2-25 of the same integers
are used to provide birthdays, and so on to bits 9-32.
Each set of bits provides a p-value, and the nine p-values
provide a sample for a KSTEST.
Count1Bit test
This is part of the Count Test. It counts the bits, 0's
and 1's. The sums and the differences are reported. The
expection is 50%, each sum from total bits.
Count2Bits test
This is part of the Count Test. It counts consecutive 2
bits. The sums and the differences are reported. The
expection is 25%, each sum from total 2 bits.
Count3Bits test
This is part of the Count Test. It counts consecutive
3 bits.
Count4Bits test
This is part of the Count Test. It counts consecutive 4
bits. The sums and the differences are reported. The
expection is 1/16, each sum from total 4 bits.
Count8Bits test
This is part of the Count Test. It counts consecutive 8
bits. The sums and the differences are reported. The
expection is 1/256, each sum from total 8 bits.
Count16Bits test
This is part of the Count Test. It counts consecutive
16 bits.
CountThe1s test
This is the Count-The-1's Test on a stream of bytes.
Consider the file under test as a stream of bytes (four per
32 bit integer). Each byte can contain from 0 to 8 1's,
with probabilities 1,8,28,56,70,56,28,8,1 over 256. Now let
the stream of bytes provide a string of overlapping 5-letter
words, each "letter" taking values A,B,C,D,E. The letters are
determined by the number of 1's in a byte: 0,1,or 2 yield A,
3 yields B, 4 yields C, 5 yields D and 6,7 or 8 yield E. Thus
we have a monkey at a typewriter hitting five keys with various
probabilities (37,56,70,56,37 over 256). There are 5^5
possible 5-letter words, and from a string of 256,000 (overlapping
) 5-letter words, counts are made on the frequencies
for each word. The quadratic form in the weak inverse of
the covariance matrix of the cell counts provides a chisquare
test: Q5-Q4, the difference of the naive Pearson sums of
(OBS-EXP)^2/EXP on counts for 5- and 4-letter cell counts.
CountThe1sSpecificBytes test extends CountThe1s
with rt=24
DNA test extends OverlappingPairsSparseOccupancy
bits_pl = 2
std = 339.0
The DNA test considers an alphabet of 4 letters: C,G,A,T,
determined by two designated bits in the sequence of random
integers being tested. It considers 10-letter words, so that
as in OPSO and OQSO, there are 2^20 possible words, and the
mean number of missing words from a string of 2^21 (overlapping
) 10-letter words (2^21+9 "keystrokes") is 141909.
The standard deviation sigma=339 was determined as for OQSO
by simulation. (Sigma for OPSO, 290, is the true value (to
three places), not determined by simulation.
MinimumDistance test
The Minimum Distance Test.
It does this 100 times: choose n=8000 random points in a
square of side 10000. Find d, the minimum distance between
the (n^2-n)/2 pairs of points. If the points are truly independent
uniform, then d^2, the square of the minimum distance
should be (very close to) exponentially distributed with mean
.995 . Thus 1-exp(-d^2/.995) should be uniform on [0,1) and
a KSTEST on the resulting 100 values serves as a test of uni-
formity for random points in the square. Test numbers=0 mod 5
are printed but the KSTEST is based on the full set of 100
random choices of 8000 points in the 10000x10000 square.
MonteCarlo test
This is the Monte Carlo Test. We read 16 bits as X, and
16 bits as Y. If (X,Y) point in circle(256) we count success.
piValue is (success / num_of_points) * 4.
Overlapping20TuplesBitstream test
The Bitstream Test.
The file under test is viewed as a stream of bits. Call them
b1,b2,... . Consider an alphabet with two "letters", 0 and 1
and think of the stream of bits as a succession of 20-letter
"words", overlapping. Thus the first word is b1b2...b20, the
second is b2b3...b21, and so on. The bitstream test counts
the number of missing 20-letter (20-bit) words in a string of
2^21 overlapping 20-letter words. There are 2^20 possible 20
letter words. For a truly random string of 2^21+19 bits, the
number of missing words j should be (very close to) normally
distributed with mean 141,909 and sigma 428. Thus
(j-141909)/428 should be a standard normal variate (z score)
that leads to a uniform [0,1) p value. The test is repeated
twenty times.
OverlappingPairsSparseOccupancy test
OPSO means Overlapping-Pairs-Sparse-Occupancy.
The OPSO test considers 2-letter words from an alphabet of
1024 letters. Each letter is determined by a specified ten
bits from a 32-bit integer in the sequence to be tested. OPSO
generates 2^21 (overlapping) 2-letter words (from 2^21+1
"keystrokes") and counts the number of missing words---that
is 2-letter words which do not appear in the entire sequence.
That count should be very close to normally distributed with
mean 141,909, sigma 290. Thus (missingwrds-141909)/290 should
be a standard normal variable. The OPSO test takes 32 bits at
a time from the test file and uses a designated set of ten
consecutive bits. It then restarts the file for the next designated
10 bits, and so on.
OverlappingQuadruplesSparseOccupancy test extends OverlappingPairsSparseOccupancy
bits_pl = 5
std = 295.0
OQSO means Overlapping-Quadruples-Sparse-Occupancy.
The test OQSO is similar, except that it considers 4-letter
words from an alphabet of 32 letters, each letter determined
by a designated string of 5 consecutive bits from the test
file, elements of which are assumed 32-bit random integers.
The mean number of missing words in a sequence of 2^21 four-
letter words, (2^21+3 "keystrokes"), is again 141909, with
sigma = 295. The mean is based on theory; sigma comes from
extensive simulation.
Run test
This is the Runs Test. It counts runs up, and runs down,
in a sequence of uniform [0,1) variables, obtained by floating-
the 32-bit integers in the specified file. This example
shows how runs are counted: .123,.357,.789,.425,.224,.416,.95
contains an up-run of length 3, a down-run of length 2 and an
up-run of (at least) 2, depending on the next values. The
covariance matrices for the runs-up and runs-down are well
known, leading to chisquare tests for quadratic forms in the
weak inverses of the covariance matrices. Runs are counted
for sequences of length 10,000. This is done ten times. Then
another three sets of ten.
Squeeze test
This is the Squeeze Test.
Random integers are floated to get uniforms on [0,1). Starting
with k=2^31-1=2147483647, the test finds j, the number of
iterations necessary to reduce k to 1, using the reduction
k=ceiling(k*U), with U provided by floating integers from
the file being tested. Such j's are found 100,000 times,
then counts for the number of times j was <=6,7,...,47,>=48
are used to provide a chi-square test for cell frequencies.
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